Re: HELP: Weekly Wildcard - Veterans?
I'm such a buffoon. I thought (more than once) i had figured out how to acquire this Nicky Bosa for the theme team, aargh. Crazy that we can't even build Xav…
Re: HELP: Weekly Wildcard - Veterans?
None of these in-game descriptions ever make any dang sense, oof. I thought, at least briefly, i was being remedial and surely must have missed something, but…
Re: Comp Draft Mode is a SWEAT FEST
You're definitely not alone, brother. I managed to get to my twenty wins, then severely tapered off, as I'm content with Lamar. It'll be a cold day in hell b…
HELP: Weekly Wildcard - Veterans?
To my own detriment, I've continued to mostly ignore WW content, but now I'm stuck. Allegedly I need **any 96 OVR Weekly Wildcard Veteran** player... trying to…
Re: Is it just me or
Thanks for the extra insight, hadn't really been keeping tabs on who, let alone what is floating around out there. Unfortunately, there's probably a strong li…
Re: Is it just me or
Damn, dude mad props... glad to hear that recovery is going so extremely well. I'm dying for some nicer weather, perhaps as soon as this weekend. Was just ta…
Re: Is it just me or
OHHHHHH, of course -- passive X-factors, we already started to see a small handful of those (thinking RoH). You're a flippin genius, not sure why that never o…
Re: Is it just me or
Ohhhh ZING! I got rambling in the above post and (at least initially) included a mention of Zirksee, but then i second guessed myself and felt bad about calli…
Re: Qb releases
Fantastic question, seems I haven't really used much (or any) Trad3 yet this year. The one i'm really holding out hope for is the somewhat elusive Traditional…
Re: Is it just me or
Also, if you were to create a brand new receiver out of thin air, how could you possibly make anything better than that Tyreek AKA Crew that just dropped? For…