I don't know why we have to glaze EA just for the sake of things -- keep on keeping on, my good man…
Thanks, got it. I always grab these Gold and Core Elite special teamers early for any theme teams I…
This is SUPER cool. Mark has an absolutely fascinating story, would have been a well deserved Legen…
Is this a real scenario? I thought EA had been releasing TONS of mostly K, P & FB platinum cards.
Kind of pumped for full D-line upgrade, choosing the J-E-T-S TT to pair with my Niners has been liv…
New York Sack Exchange is absolutely LEGENDARY. Great content EA.
Cool article about Mark from thi…
Do whatever you want, it's your squad. However, 2M coins makes your team a LOT better. Coins are ki…
Dude was pretty legit at 87 SPD on hybrid 49ers + TOTW2 theme team. Mostly just had him zooming do…
Thanks, was just checking (using Remote Play) -- Game Time Lineup Shuffle: Regular Season
5 wins = …
Is this the special game mode where we need to rework our teams to gain entry? Or what am i missin…