While I cant complain I mean it gives us all +2 speed and some other nice boosts I do think they should of deactivated the Easter strategy card when it was time to do so. I see no reason for them to deactivate it now if they ever decided though since we only have 3 months left but it just made having a theme team not as relevant cause most cards get 99 speed with the Easter card.
I like it really glad I didn't quicksell it the day before since I thought it would've been nerfed but happy to use pat willis with 99 spd.
Until EA nerfs it or releases something better, I'm keeping it
It’s awesome. Makes a whole lot more players usable
jk, I do like it because it allows most people to play on the same level without theme teams
Hurtsmvpszn said:I like it really glad I didn't quicksell it the day before since I thought it would've been nerfed but happy to use pat willis with 99 spd.
I love his card and his 1ap x-factor. That's who I user. Was thinking of switching to BB Henry but he costs 1ap more.
Yeah he has become my favorite user since Ted Hendricks ss he's soooo good
With all these speed boosts everywhere, I don’t see why they shouldn’t keep it active. EA have been pretty stingy with speed this years Heck, they gave a golden ticket HB 96 speed, and if you don’t have a TT, that’s going to be stuck there.
I hope not, I quicksold my combine strat on accident!
HeatskgMissile said:I hope not, I quicksold my combine strat on accident!
I quicksold mine at the time thinking that it would be nerfed liked they said it would be.
Oh well, swallowed the L on that one!
I quickselled it because they said it would go down and I wasn’t gonna play until it did cos I had other priorities and then it just stayed. I’m still 99 speed everywhere but I wish gronk was 🫠
Yes they need to keep it now with the reduced AP buckets to keep TT in the mix
NBMwave413 said:🎯🎯
It was actually the journey man strat.