PLZ FIX EA: subs updating in play selection screen
EA can you now fix when making a sub in the playcalling screen that it updates. It is a very annoying guessing where your subs are going and not being able to…
Did anyone get their redzone packs from either of the first 2 tournments
Hi has anyone played in the first 2 madden tournaments and received the redzone packs. Do you have to claim them or do they auto populate into your account?
Is Season of boom- H2h get team tackles obj broken
Is the obj of getting 125 team tackles broken? I have the 2+ in the lineup and the wins obj for example is going up and tracking correctly but the tackles is …
All smyles challenge
to get the last bonus star. Just come out in punt block and let them bomb you. You have to ALLOW 15+ passing yards to get the star.
Solo battles question
Did anyone lose there ability to play solo battles. it just show top 100 right now?
They need to change daily objectives
Im fine with making it a grind of say like score 50 points or get 20 tackles or something uncomfortable like that to farm their playing time number to show sto…
What to use season tickets on
Hi everyone. For anyone who has been watching the streams or following like twitch ppl, is there anything we should be saving the season tickets for? Did th…
Has anyone got their light it up token back
Just curious if "end of week" meant by tomorrow or like Sunday night ( it hasnt been 13 days since this problem came up, and not like im counting on this as a…
Lost Light em up token update?
does anyone know how to get light it up token present back after unequip
(Just happened 2/14 at night so do not take of your token still) It worked once ea…
Best Playoff present players
Hello everyone, after getting to playtest all or as many as you have, are any playoff present cards worth the coin?
I can only get maybe 1-2 and have been …
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