Re: How to increase player’s stamina rating?
You can’t unlock abilities or xfactors through boosts, only what the base player has. You need the ring of honor token for that.
Re: 3rd free full Ultimate legend with tokens?
There‘s probably going to be store offers with tokens in them. That would be my guess
Re: Best qb X factors?
Best qb xfactors are probably dots and omaha
Re: what should i do with this lineup and any other suggestions
Getting Ronde Barber out of your lineup is pretty important. I’d try to get one of the corners with each bucket for zero or maybe if you can make some coins or…
Re: double me
Because double me is only good for beating the press. It’s easy to get picked off and get ko’d. It’s sucks but it’s just what ea made it into.
Re: Hutch is the best DE in-game, right?
He’s not the best in terms of pass rush but he is the number one player at his position because of momentum shift.
Re: Where do people get their coins from?
Play the game a ton, use strategies like building low ultimate legends and sell them high when the new ultimate legends drop, and spend a lot of money on the g…
Re: How much have u spent in mut 24?
Only the cost of the game itself. I’m trying to make a point not to buy anything in game in madden 24, and tbh it’s just as fun as spending hundreds of dollars…
Re: BND 99 OVR GT Will Clapp, Victor Cruz, Ed Reed, or Doug Wiliams [Ends 6/24 7:00 PM EDT]
Re: RE: RB's with the "good juke"
It’s a weight threshold. If you are below 246 pounds you get the good juke.
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