Re: What's the most amount of coins that you have spent on a card in MUT?
696,969 approximately
Re: Dude, it's been a year
welcome back potato!!!
Re: can we class action sue???
What law are you alleging has been broken?
[CONTENT SCHEDULE] 4/29-5/5 - New Infinite FLUX!
Re: Uniform prices?
This seems like an unusual question
Re: bye bye gg points 👋
Re: Ok what's the point of pack blitz
Thanks for your encouragement. [I won Mean Joe Greene](!
Re: [POLL] why do YOU hate madden so much?
Turn off messages is SOFT.
Re: [POLL] why do YOU hate madden so much?
Sooooooo, racial slurs are only toxic if I allow it to be????????
Re: [POLL] why do YOU hate madden so much?
Players shouldn't have to "harden up." The community should just be better and not toxic. We should lift each other up not put each other down.
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