It's hard to know which Strategy Items you're searching for without a complete list and that's exactly what today's article provides! Base level boosts (Common) do not change and will apply across all versions of that particular type of Strategy Item. Boosts listed at the Uncommon and Rare Tiers represent the different variations available. Most types of Strategy Items will have 2 Uncommon variations and 6 Rare variations, with a few exceptions. Check out every Strategy Item currently available in MUT 22 and its boosts below:
For a more detailed breakdown of how Strategy Items work in MUT 22, click here.
Deep Route Specialist (WR)
- Common: +DRR, +RLS, +CTH
- Uncommon: (+SPC) or (+AWR)
- Rare: (+SPC, +JMP) or (+AWR, +SPC) or (+AWR, +SPD) or (+ AWR, +JMP) or (+SPC, +SPD) or (+SPD, +JMP)
Elite Passer (QB)
- Common: +SAC, +MAC, +DAC
- Uncommon: (+PAC)
Iron Wall (OL)
- Common: +PBK, +IBL, +PBP
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+IBL)
- Rare: (+IBL, +PBF) or (+AWR, +IBL) or (+AWR, +STR) or (+AWR, +PBF) or (+STR, +PBF) or (+IBL, +STR)
Let It Rip (QB)
- Common: +DAC, +PAC, +MAC
- Uncommon: (+RUN) or (+SAC)
- Rare: (+SAC, +BSK) or (+SAC, +THP) or (+RUN, +BSK) or (+RUN, +SAC) or (+THP, +BSK) or (+RUN, +THP)
On The Move (HB)
- Common: +JKM, +SPM, +BCV
- Uncommon: (+CTH) or (+AWR)
- Rare: (+AWR, +SPD) or (+CTH, +SPD) or (+AWR, +ACC) or (+AWR, +CTH) or (+CTH, +ACC) or (+SPD, +ACC)
Out My Way (HB)
- Common: +TRK, +CAR, +SFA
- Uncommon: (+CTH) or (+AWR)
- Rare: (+AWR, +CTH) or (+STR, +JMP) or (+CTH, +JMP) or (+CTH, +STR) or (+AWR, +JMP) or (+AWR, +STR)
Over The Top (WR)
- Common: +SPC, +DRR, +SFA
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+CTH)
- Rare: (+AWR, +JMP) or (+CTH, +STR) or (+CTH, +JMP) or (+AWR, +STR) or (+JMP, +STR) or (+CTH, +AWR)
Pave The Way (OL)
- Common: +RBK, +RBP, +RBF
- Uncommon: (+IBL) or (+AWR)
- Rare: (+AWR, +STR) or (+AWR, +LBK) or (+STR, +LBK) or (+IBL, +STR) or (+IBL, +AWR) or (+IBL, +LBK)
Play Fake (All Positions)
- Common: +DAC, +PBK, +DRR
- Uncommon: (+SPC) or (+IBL)
- Rare: (+SPC, +CTH) or (+CTH, +PBP) or (+IBL, +PBP) or (+IBL, +CTH) or (+IBL, +SPC) or (+SPC, +PBP)
Reel In (WR/TE)
- Common: +CTH, +CIT, +SRR
- Uncommon: (+SPC) or (+RBK)
- Rare: (+RBK, +PBK) or (+MRR, +PBK) or (+RBK, +MRR) or (+SPC, +PBK) or (+SPC, +MRR) or (+SPC, +RBK)
Short Route Specialist (WR)
- Common: +SRR, +RLS, +CTH
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+CIT)
- Rare: (+AWR, +ACC) or (+AWR, +CIT) or (+ACC, +JKM) or (+CIT, +JKM) or (+CIT, +ACC) or (+AWR, +JKM)
West Coast (All Positions)
- Common: +SAC, +IBL, +SRR
- Uncommon: (+PBK) or (+CTH)
- Rare: (+PBK, +PBP) or (+CIT, +PBP) or (+CTH, +PBP) or (+CTH, +CIT) or (+PBK, +CIT) or (+PBK, +CTH)
Zone Run (All Positions)
- Common: +RBF, +BTK, +LBK
- Uncommon: (+RUN) or (+PAC)
- Rare: (+STR, +CAR) or (+RBP, +RBK) or (+RBP, +STR) or (+RBP, +CAR) or (+RBK, +STR) or (+RBK, +CAR)
Bull Rush (DE/DT/OLB)
- Common: +PMV, +BSH, +IBL
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+PRC)
- Rare: (+PRC, +STR) or (+PRC, +TAK) or (+STR, +TAK) or (+AWR, +TAK) or (+PRC, +AWR) or (+AWR, +STR)
Heavy Blitz (All Defenders)
- Common: +IBL, +POW, +MCV
- Uncommon: (+PRC) or (+BSH)
- Rare: (+BSH, +PUR) or (+STR, +PUR) or (+PRC, +PUR) or (+PRC, +STR) or (+BSH, +STR) or (+BSH, +PRC)
Heavy Hitter (SS/MLB)
- Common: +POW, +TAK, +PRC
- Uncommon: (+BSH) or (+PUR)
- Rare: (+PUR, +IBL) or (+AWR, +IBL) or (+BSH, AWR) or (+BSH, +IBL) or (+PUR, +AWR) or (+PUR, +BSH)
Hot Pursuit (SS/MLB)
- Common: +PUR, +TAK, +AWR
- Uncommon: (+PRC) or (+BSH)
- Rare: (+BSH, +PRC) or (+POW, +CTH) or (+PRC, +CTH) or (+PRC, +POW) or (+BSH, +CTH) or (+BSH, +POW)
In The Zone (DB)
- Common: +ZCV, +PRC, +AWR
- Uncommon: (+TAK) or (+MCV)
- Rare: (+MCV, +PUR) or (+TAK, +MCV) or (+TAK, +SPD) or (+PUR, +SPD) or (+MCV, +SPD) or (+TAK, +PUR)
Lurk (MLB)
- Common: +ZCV, +CTH, +PRC
- Uncommon: (+TAK) or (+PUR)
- Rare: (+AWR, +SPD) or (+PUR, +SPD) or (+PUR, +AWR) or (+TAK, +SPD) or (+TAK, +AWR) or (+TAK, +PUR)
Man2Man (All Defenders)
- Common: +MCV, +CTH, +PRS
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+PRC)
- Rare: (+TAK, +SPC) or (+PRC, +SPC) or (+PRC, +TAK) or (+AWR, +TAK) or (+AWR, +SPC) or (+PRC, +AWR)
Mind Reader (All Positions)
- Common: +PRC, + AWR, +PUR
- Uncommon: (+CTH) or (+TAK)
- Rare: (+TAK, +MCV) or (+TAK, +ZCV) or (+CTH, +ZCV) or (+CTH, +TAK) or (+ZCV, +MCV) or (+CTH, +MCV)
Outside And In (DE/OLB)
- Common: +FMV, +BSH, +IBL
- Uncommon: (+AWR) or (+PRC)
- Rare: (+PRC, +TAK) or (+AWR, +PRC) or (+PRC, +SPD) or (+AWR, +TAK) or (+AWR, +SPD) or (+SPD, +TAK)
Run Stuff (All Defenders)
- Common: +PUR, +BSH, +PRC
- Uncommon: (+ZCV) or (+TAK)
- Rare: (+TAK, +MCV) or (+TAK, +ZCV) or (+ZCV, +STR) or (+ZCV, +MCV) or (+TAK, +STR) or (+MCV, +STR)
Sure Tackler (All Positions)
- Common: +TAK, +AWR, +PUR
- Uncommon: (+PRC) or (+POW)
- Rare: (+STR, +IBL) or (+POW, +PRC) or (+POW, +STR) or (+POW, +IBL) or (+PRC, +STR) or (+PRC, +IBL)
The Island (CB)
- Common: +MCV, +PRS, +PRC
- Uncommon: (+IBL) or (+AWR)
- Rare: (+IBL, +AWR) or (+STR, +SPD) or (+AWR, +SPD) or (+AWR, +STR) or (+IBL, +SPD) or (+IBL, +STR)
The Leg (K/P)
- Rare Base Boosts: +KPW, +KAC, +AWR
- Rare: (+MAC, +RUN) or (+SAC, MAC) or (+SAC, +STR) or (+SAC, +RUN) or (+MAC, +STR) or (+STR, +RUN)
Special Items
Speed In Space (All Offense)
***Boosts only apply to Superstar Players
- Common: +MAC, +CTH, +SPD
Wormhole (All Defense)
***Boosts only apply to Superstar Players
- Common: +PUR, +BSH, +IBL
Are you equipping any Strategy Items other than 2x Deep Route Specialist and 2x In The Zone w/ stackable SPD boosts? Let us know your preferred Strategy combo in the MUT.GG Discord or Forums.