If you're having trouble syncing your Binder on MUT.GG, try the following steps:

  1. Install the Chrome Extension on your PC in a browser that supports Chrome Extensions. (This does not require you to PLAY Madden on PC, it just requires a PC to sync your binder. After syncing, you can use the rest of the features on mobile.)
  2. Make sure you can log in on the Madden Companion App. If you can and you can see your players, that means you definitely have the right EA account.
  3. Go to ea.com, fully log out, and re-enter your credentials using the same account you just used on the app.
  4. Go back to mut.gg/binder and try the sync process again. Make sure to select the correct sub-account and platform that you use for MUT.
  5. If your Sync button is "grayed-out", uninstall and reinstall the Chrome Extension.

If you installed the extension and tried the previous steps but are still experiencing issues, join the MUT.GG Discord Server, link your MUT.GG account to your Discord account HERE, and post in the #binder-support channel for additional assistance.