For context I ran into a tonne of players attempting to run rpo's last weekend during mut champs, so attempted to dial up something straight out of the depths of hell to deal with the rpo-spamming scum bags. Since I run a 60/60 combine theme team, I put Orakpo and ROLB Bo at DE's with LA active. If I felt a rpo was coming, I would spread them out and put them both on a contain. When I would do this and the opponent would attempt to pass, 99.9 percent of Jackson/Orakpo would leap into the air like they had just jumped off a trampoline and swat the ball down, and I would say about 50% of the time they actually picked the rpo off which usually led to my opponent cursing and rage quitting.

Just wanted to share this with the community, as I would like to see these rpo-spamming schemes eventually become obsolete.