I'm going to preface this by saying that the idea behind the comp pass is one destined to fail, and it was much better when mut champs, solo battles, and h2h all had their own reward tracks because it didn't force people to play how they didn't want to. 

That being said, since the comp pass is our world until the next madden at least, I have to say this was the best way to do it. The first pass was brutal because you were worried about stats and had to win to get them to count, meaning your best bet was figuring out if you could beat your opponent early and then tricking them into thinking they had a chance. This last pass, I got kearse no 401, not because I am good at the game (Im mid on my best day) but because I spent an hour trading stats in a game that finished 225 to 215, thus giving me 300 cp in one shot. As much as I'm sure some thought this was great, it really took away from the game and if you thought about it outside your own desire to get it done you would see that too.

As for the legend reward nerf, yeah...It was probably too generous to start, but you think that a company that sells you the same game year after year with glitch after glitch year after year would know by now that  once you give the players something you can't take it back until the year rolls over without looking like total douches.  But then again, no one has ever in the years I have been playing mut accused the EA Mut team of being business savvy and playing for the long game. It seems like every year they are starting a fire that burns away a portion of their playerbase for the following game.